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Definition and classification of aluminum plastic plate

Publisher:date:2022-09-29 Back to list

Aluminum plastic plate is a common building decoration material. We must pay attention to the use of aluminum plastic plate. In order to protect the overall beauty of aluminum plastic plate, we will find that there is a protective film on the surface of aluminum plastic plate when we buy it, and many friends do not understand it. What if the protective film of aluminum plastic plate cannot be torn off for too long? How to choose the protective film of aluminum plastic plate? Now let's learn about relevant knowledge.

What to do if the protective film of aluminum plastic plate cannot be torn off after a long time

The aluminum plastic plate should be torn off as soon as possible after the decoration. If the time is too long, the aluminum plastic plate protective film will be weathered and dry and hard to absorb. You can use hot water to scrub the surface of the double-layer aluminum plastic plate protective film, and then slowly tear it. Generally, it can be cleaned.

Find the disconnected ends and gently pull them apart. Use a hair dryer to blow along the transverse direction of the film (that is, the direction that should not be pulled apart). It is OK to warm slightly. Lift both ends with both hands and gently pull them down (with even force, do not pull them apart). If the area is large, blow and pull them section by section.

How to select the protective film of aluminum plastic plate

For the selection of aluminum plastic panel surface protective film, the user shall conduct a sample test first Determine the viscosity selected, and determine whether the adhesive of the surface protective film is suitable for the surface coating of decorative materials, because the adhesive of the surface protective film is not a universal adhesive.

1. Aluminum plastic plate can be divided into polyester aluminum plastic plate and fluorocarbon aluminum plastic plate according to the material of paint coating, and each type can be roughly divided into metal paint surface and non metal paint surface. Due to the difference of paint material and structure, different requirements are put forward for the thickness and viscosity of protective film glue.

2. In the process of use, if the glue property of the protective film is not properly selected or the glue quality is unstable, it will bring many problems to the user, such as failure to stick, edge warping, or failure to tear off after sticking.

3. The viscosity of the surface protective film shall be selected according to the smoothness of the material surface. The material surface shall be smooth and clean. The selected protective film shall have low viscosity, rough material surface, coarse particles on the coating surface, and high viscosity. On the contrary, if you choose to use it improperly, it will lead to the phenomenon that the paste is not firm or the paste is too firm and cannot be removed.

4. For a given surface, it is extremely important to select the appropriate adhesive and viscosity, and the subsequent processing steps are the key to determine the viscosity. The subsequent processing generally involves bending and stamping. Generally, low viscosity protective film is selected for smooth surface, with viscosity of 0.9N/cm; Medium viscosity protective film is selected for medium rough surface, with viscosity of 1.2N/cm.

For the use of aluminum plastic plates, we suggest that you should pay attention to the correct way of use, and pay attention to the selection of products with guaranteed quality. The above is about how to do if the protective film of aluminum plastic plate cannot be removed after a long time and how to select the protective film of aluminum plastic plate. If you don't understand anything, you can consult the after-sales personnel to ensure the quality of the product.


address:Jixiang Road, Guodian Town, Xinzheng City, Henan Province  Telephone:0371-60292098

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